Sunday, April 6, 2008

Water Quality and Agricultural Responsibility

A headline story in the Des Moines Sunday Register (April 6, 2008) focuses on water quality and the practice of applying manure on frozen fields:

The Journal of Soil and Water Conservation regularly publishes research articles on a range of topics related to manure management, fertilizer practices, and water quality.

Here is a sampling from recent issues:

Lewandowsky et al. Groundwater nitrate contamination: A survey of private well owners. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 63(3)153-161.

Walker and Rhykerd. An economically sound manure treatment and application system. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 63(2)38A.

Iovanna et al. Treatment wetlands: Cost-effective practice for intercepting nitrate before it reaches and adversely impacts surface waters. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 63(1):14A-15A.

Sharpley et al. Overcoming the challenges of phosphorus-based management in poultry farming. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 62(6)375-389.

Special section on managing drainage ditches for water quality. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 62(4).

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